
  • Informationen betreffend Auslandsaufenthalten, (Forschungs)-Aufenthalten, ... 

    Information on staying abroad, (research) visits, ... 

    • Auslandsstipendien | Scholarships abroad

      Der OeAD (Ă–sterreichs Agentur fĂĽr Bildung und Internationalisierung) bietet diverse Aktionen, Calls, UnterstĂĽtzungen, ... an - siehe Auslandsstipendien.

      OeAD (Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation) offers various actions, calls, support, ... - see Scholarships for studying abroad.

    • Fachbezogene Auslandsaufenthalte und postgraduale Studien bilden eine wichtige Verbindung zwischen dem absolvierten Studium im Heimatland und einem qualitativen Berufseinstieg oder einer Berufsfortsetzung weltweit. Sie fĂĽhren zu neuen Möglichkeiten, fachspezifisches Wissen zu erwerben und vermitteln ĂĽberdurchschnittliche soziale, sprachliche und interkulturelle Kompetenzen.
      Die Abteilung Internationale Hochschulkooperation sowie die nationale Agentur Erasmus+-Bildung beim OeAD wickelt eine Reihe von Outgoing-Stipendienprogrammen ab.

      Subject-related stays abroad and postgraduate studies form an important link between the studies completed in the home country and a high-quality career start or a career continuation worldwide. They provide new opportunities to acquire subject-specific knowledge and impart above-average social, linguistic and intercultural skills.
      The International University Cooperation Department and the Erasmus+ Education at the OeAD (National Agency) manage a number of outgoing scholarship programmes.


    • In Zusammenarbeit und aus Mitteln des Bundeskanzleramts fördert der OeAD Studienplätze am College of Europe in BrĂĽgge, Natolin und Tirana.

      Das College of Europe ist das älteste und renommierteste postgraduale Institut für Europastudien. Mit Standorten in Brügge (Belgien), Natolin (Polen) und seit 2023 in Tirana (Albanien) bietet das College exzellente Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der europäischen Integration und Transformation. Mit dem Ziel österreichischen Studierenden die Möglichkeit einer postgradualen europäischen Ausbildung zu bieten sowie den Anteil von Österreicherinnen und Österreichern, die in europäischen Institutionen beruflich tätig werden, zu erhöhen, vergibt das Bundeskanzleramt pro Jahr drei Zuschussstipendien für Studienplätze in Brügge und Natolin sowie eine Vollförderung für den neuen Tirana Campus.

      Bewerbungsfristen und Voraussetzungen: Bewerbungen für das akademische Jahr 2025/26 sind bis zum 15. Januar 2025 direkt beim College of Europe möglich. Voraussetzungen sind die österreichische Staatsbürgerschaft, ein abgeschlossenes Master-, Diplom- oder PhD-Studium sowie sehr gute Englisch- und Französischkenntnisse. 

      Eine Bewerbung für die Studienzuschüsse kann parallel dazu bis zum 31. Januar 2025 beim OeAD erfolgen. Das Bewerbungsformular für das College of Europe-Stipendium im Studienjahr 2025/26 sowie die Anforderungen (akademische Nachweise, Staatsbürgerschaftsnachweis, Motivationsschreiben) finden Sie auf der Website des OeAD. Die Bewerbungsfrist für die Förderung endet am 31. Januar 2025. Die Auswahl der Geförderten wird bis April 2025 abgeschlossen sein.

      Infowebinar: Im Rahmen der OeAD-Hochschultagung 2024 findet am 18. November 2024 von 17:00 bis 18:00 Uhr ein Infowebinar mit einer Vorstellung der Studienangebote sowie zur Stipendienvergabe statt, in dem alle wichtigen Fragen beantwortet werden. Details und die Anmeldung finden Sie hier.

    • Call for Scholarships in New York 2025-2026

      Calling all ambitious Ferdinand Porsche FERNFH students and graduates! Secure a 70% scholarship to study at the prestigious State University of New York (SUNY) and gain a competitive edge. Applications are open until **December 29th**. 

      IBS Americas is thrilled to announce that we are now accepting applications for scholarships at the State University of New York! These scholarships are designed to empower talented and ambitious individuals to boost their resumes and skills through short-term programs in high-demand fields like Marketing, Finance, and Management, while sharpening their Business English proficiency through an international experience in New York.

      How to apply  

      1. Access the State University of New York programs page and download the brochure to learn more about the programs..
      2. Choose your course and finish your application using the voucher code UNI.SCHOLARSHIP70 to be eligible for the 70% scholarship.
      3. After reviewing your application, a Scholarship Advisor will contact you to ensure that all required documents are sent.
      4. Scholarship recipients will be notified within 5 business days.  

      Registration to participate in the selection process is free and 100% online.

      Eligibility Requirements:

      – Be at least 18 years old by the time of travel.
      – Be a current undergraduate or recent graduate.
      – Have completed at least the 4th semester of your degree by the month of travel (applications are open regardless of your current semester)
      – Possess at least an intermediate level of English proficiency (except for the Business English course)

      Available courses: 

      • Marketing & Value Management
      • Business Sustainability for Leaders
      • Competitive Project Management
      • Corporate Financial Management
      • Strategic Thinking
      • Business English

      Programs features:

      – Classes entirely in English.
      – Short-term, in-person courses: study 3 weeks in January or July.
      – Faculty composed of PhDs and experienced professionals.

      – Business English module included in all courses.
      – Wide opportunities for international networking with students from all around the globe.

      – Immerse yourself in the American lifestyle and explore popular tourist destinations.

      Limited spots available! Apply now and take your career to the next level in New York!

      Flyer for Call for Scholarships in New York for 2025-2026

    • Call for Scholarships in California 2025-2026

      Calling all ambitious Ferdinand Porsche FernFH students and graduates! Secure a 70% scholarship to study in California and gain a competitive edge. Applications are open until ** September, 29th **. (In case your students are unable to apply due to university holidays or other, please let me know as well, and we can explore extending the deadline.)

      This is a fantastic chance for any Ferdinand Porsche FERNFH students looking to broaden their horizons, gain a global perspective, and enrich their international network with students from different parts of the world.

      IBS Americas is excited to announce that we are accepting new applications for scholarships at California State University Northridge and the University of La Verne! The scholarships are designed to empower talented and ambitious individuals seeking to boost their resume and skills with a short-term program in high-demand areas like Marketing, Finance, and Management, or sharpen their Business English proficiency. We are committed to fostering a global perspective and enriching your educational journey through an international experience in California.

      How to apply:

      1. Access the California Business Programs page and download the brochure to learn more about the programs.
      2. Choose your course and finish your application using the promo code UNIA.SCHOLARSHIP.70 to be eligible for the 70% scholarship.
      3. After reviewing your application, the Scholarship Advisor will contact you to ensure that all required documents are sent.
      4. Scholarship recipients will be notified within 5 business days.  

      Registration to participate in the selection process is free and 100% online.

      Eligibility Requirements:

      – Be at least 18 years old by the time of travel.
      – Be a current undergraduate or recently graduated.
      – Have completed at least the 4th semester of your degree by the month of travel (applications are open regardless of your current semester)
      – Possess at least an intermediate level of English proficiency
      – Applicants for the Advanced courses must hold or be pursuing a postgraduate degree, or demonstrate substantial managerial experience.

      Available courses: 

      For current undergraduates and recent graduates:

      • Applied Design Thinking and Storytelling
      • Communication, Design & Innovation
      • Digital Companies & E-Business Revolution
      • Leadership in an Age of Disruption
      • Strategy & Marketing
      • Leading & Coaching The Human Organization
      • Finance & Accounting
      • Business English

      For postgraduate students and/or those with managerial experience:

      • Advanced Topics in Project Management
      • Advanced Topics In Marketing Management
      • Advanced Topics in Financial Decisions and Corporate Policy
      • Advanced Topics In Business Strategy
      • Advanced Topics in PMO Governance 

      Programs features:

      – Classes entirely in English.
      – Business English module included in all courses.
      – Faculty formed by PhDs and professors with great professional experience.

      – Short-term presential courses: study 3 weeks in January or July, or 2 weeks in September (available only at the University of La Verne for Advanced courses).
      – Wide opportunities for international networking with students from all around the globe.
      – Immerse yourself in the American lifestyle and explore popular tourist destinations.

      Limited spots available! Apply now and take your career to the next level in California!

    • How about a Study/Intern/Volunteer Abroad program in Greece? -> Cerca Abroad

      My name is George Shinas, Program Manager of Cerca Abroad (www.cercaabroad.com).

      We specialize at in-person Medical, Dental and Psychology Shadowing, and Agriculture, Engineering, Wildlife / Marine Conservation, Media, Tourism and Cultural Arts hands-on experiences in Greece. Please take a few minutes to review our website.

      I’m hoping that we may pique your interest to discuss further how we may be able to partner with your university. We have several Study/Intern Abroad programs that run year-round and have a duration from 2 to 12 weeks. We also design customized faculty-led programs with a duration as short as one week (https://www.cercaabroad.com/about/faculty/).

       Through our partnership with Webster University, we can also provide credit for all our programs. We also customize experiences for faculty-led groups which may also include other European countries/cities.

       You can view some of our video reviews here: https://www.youtube.com/@cercaabroad

      Mr. George Shinas
      Program Manager

      Cerca Abroad
      Tel: +359 894-447-528
      Web: www.cercaabroad.com