Hier finden Sie best-practice Beispiele von Experimentalstudien (englische Literatur): 

Maciejovsky, Boris/Schwarzenberger, Herbert/Kirchler, Erich (2012). Rationality versus emotions: The case of tax ethics and compliance. Journal of Business Ethics, 109, 339-350.

Rajagopal, Priyali/Rha, Jong-Youn (2009). The mental accounting of time. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30(5), 772-781.

Zushi, Naoya/Ogawa, Midori/Ayabe-Kanamura, Saho (2021). Fear reduces perceived sweetness: changes in the perception of taste due to emotional state. SAGE Open, 11(1), 2158244021989318.

Last modified: Thursday, 30 November 2023, 3:12 PM