Welcome to this English preparation course! In case you have not worked through the self-assessment checklists, the study guide and documented your results in your English Journal - this is the perfect time!
Participation in this online-course is fully voluntary. But it might aid your exam preparation if you go through the content and the tasks a few times, in order to be confident for the exam. You will find different tasks for different fields (e.g. reading, writing, listening) and sections with grammar exercises. Make sure to thoroughly check the Study Guide, and feel free to check on the additional resources.
To kick the summer school off officially, I would like you to tell me a little bit about yourself, your background, career, interests and hobbies, etc. and your motivation for wanting to start studying at the FernFH. And all this needs to be in English. I would like you to write a short introduction (approximately half a page) into your English Journal.
Afterwards feel free to start browsing the course content and the exercises, and don't hesitate to ask if you need further support or have any questions. Enjoy!