
  • You can start with your exam preparation beforehand by using the "Study Guide" in the recommended text book "English Grammar in Use, 5th Edition". Work through the Study Guide, and check your answers with the Study Guide Key. If one of your answers is incorrect (or where you felt unsure whether you are right or not), mark the corresponding study unit (on the right side of each question in the Study Guide). These study units should be the ones where you start your self-study. Afterwards, try to repeat those those units until you feel more confident. Finally, use the content and the tasks provided in this online-course.

    • Before you start studying, it can be helpful to check your current English competencies. Work through the appropriate checklist, and document your experiences in your English Journal.

      • A1 level = Elementare Sprachverwendung, geringe Vorkenntnisse
      • A2 level = Kommunikationskompetenz in vertrauten, alltäglichen Situationen
      • B1 level = Grundwortschatz für allgemeine Themen und komplexere Kommunikationsstrukturen

      With the help of the Checklist, you can set your goals (=objectives) for the course, and continually check your progress.

      These Lists are based on the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR; or GERS in German) and are provided by the Sprachenzentrum of the University of Vienna.