In the last few decades the power of consumers has risen steadily. The increased self-esteem of consumers and a transparent market are some of the main reasons for the development of the consumer driven market. Furthermore, a transparent market has substantially been influenced by the increased competition on the market and new ways of communication via the internet. However, companies can also learn much about consumer behavior by making use of new IT developments.
By applying these above mentioned developments you can gather important information about your customers and enables you to react accordingly. This new knowledge allows you to adapt your service or even your products to your customers' needs. Considering the gathered information about your customers in different areas of your company can significantly contribute to an increased loyalty of your customers.
Moreover, the communication between the company and the customers has also been changed by the great influence of the information technology. Thus, different ways of interaction, such as virtual via web sites, face to face or by telephone, between customers and companies shall be considered in this master's thesis.
The first part of the master's thesis describes and discusses the customer relation management and its development. The empirical study can be found in the second part of this paper. The previously mentioned three different ways of communication between customers and companies are going to be examined. Therefore ten test takers have to interact with two different companies by telephone, by using their web site or having a face to face conversation in the store. Last, but not least, by analyzing the results of this survey we can draw conclusions from the customers' satisfaction and experience which they have made by using three different ways of communication.