Most companies in the insurance industry are concerned with the topic of employee newsletters. The evolution of the newsletter from a circular to a medium that is now al-most exclusively sent out digitally offers constantly new design options. However, the great variety of layout options also harbors enormous potential for mistakes that can be made. Especially when trying to process as much content as possible in the newsletter, those responsible quickly run the risk of overloading it.
This master's thesis aims to investigate which success factors can be identified specifi-cally for employee newsletters in the insurance industry and which of them are even critical success factors, that means can be found in the literature and expert interviews alike. In addition, the aim is to examine how internal communication is currently taking place in the insurance industry and what this may look like in the future.
In the qualitative interviews, different opinions and attitudes of experts were asked. In this way, it was determined which strategic considerations are behind the forms of inter-nal communication used and, in particular, employee newsletters. Furthermore, the tools used were considered, the advantages and disadvantages of various options were ex-amined, and future developments were forecast. The results of this scientific work show that the experts appreciate the advantages of communication via employee newsletters and use them frequently. Although the approaches in terms of effort, layout and visual processing are very different, the newsletter proves to be a practical and everyday form of internal communication.
The employee newsletter will continue to be used as an internal communication tool over the next few years, even though it will also be subject to change. Like our private com-munication, communication within companies is increasingly shifting to smartphones and apps that are operated with them. So, it is inevitable that the employee newsletter will also continue to develop technically and that the information will increasingly end up as short messages on the smartphone in the future. This development will not harm the newsletter, but rather further anchor it as an adaptable, internal communication tool.