In the service sector as well as in the health care sector, the service to be provided cannot be easily planned or hold in stock - as is possible in production. Diary management has to coordinate supply and demand with each other in a timely manner. "First come, first served" meets this requirement only to a limited extent. Both quantitative and qualitative objectives can be included with an appointment management tool based upon an appropriate algorithm, which on the one hand serves the business success and on the other hand improves the quality of the service as well as the satisfaction of the customers.
By prioritizing the demand for objective criteria and reserving short-term appointments for prioritized demand, waiting times in the course of the service should be reduced, thus improving the duration and quality of the service provision and increasing customer satisfaction.
By implementing three classes of priorities and managing two types of near-term buffers with regard to time scope and timelines, the developed appointment management algorithm could help in reducing the time spread of the individual appointments and the total duration of the driver's license training.
The author succeeded in creating a test environment close to reality and in coding a working system based on MS Access, but the developed algorithm did not produce an outcome that deviates significantly form “first come, first served”.