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  Titel: „Politik – (k)eine Männersache?” Qualitative Studie zur Karriereentwicklung österreichischer Spitzenpolitikerinnen
  AutorIn: Barbara Braunstorfer
  Typ: Masterarbeit
  ÖFOS 2012 Code:
  Institution: Ferdinand Porsche FernFH, Wiener Neustadt, WPMA
  Betreuung: Anahid Aghamanoukjan
  Datum: 2023
  Abstract (de):
  Abstract (en):

In Austria female top politicians in highest functions can be seen as lived reality. Nevertheless women are still in a minority in Austrians political landscape. The lower the political level, such as the local politics, the greater the gap between the number of men and women in political responsibility. Following the research interest of how do female politicians experience their own career, the study was designed as a qualitative guideline based interview study. The thirteen conducted interviews with Austrian female top politicians focused on aspects which was been assumed as more emotionally events for the participants. The analysis of the data showed three main topics which could be critical for a female politician career. First their own visibility, second the predictability of a political career and third the reconciliation of work, private and family life Depended on their political exposure woman can suffered on maladjusted work-life-balance, dealing with media and public, an enormous competitive labour environment and sometimes on gender stereotyped behaviour of others. Reported successes was finding in context to competition, such as gaining a mandate due to preference votes. On the other hand successful policy and strategy coordination, for example a passed law. In several statements women reported an increasing volatility in the political landscape including reported attempts to kick women out of the political arena.

  Keywords (de): Berufspolitikerin, Spitzenpolitikerin, politische Karriere, Karriereverlauf, Frauen in der Politik
  Keywords (en): career politician female, top politician female, political career, career trajectory, women in politics
PDF-Dokument WPMA_JG21_Barbara Braunstorfer.pdf