The aim of the present bachelor thesis was to investigate the health and social burdens and resources of older migrants. For this purpose, a literature search was conducted. The thesis gives an overview on migration and age, social networks and social support. Further factors that determine the health of older migrants were also examined. These include living conditions, health conditions, health risks, socio-economic determinants, housing conditions and education, work-income relations and the migration-specific health burdens.
With regard to the health status of older people with a migration background it was found that, on average, they have a worse health status than seniors without migration experiences. Important factors for the health status are health competence, resources and behavior patterns, which are due to socio-economic cultural conditions. The health risks and burdens of older migrants vary greatly due to their health behavior and their environment. It is not only socio-economic status that affects health, but also genetic influences on ethnic grounds, which can lead to different health risks. Further factors, which influence the health of migrants throughout their lives, are the situation in the country of origin, the migration process and the situation in the host country. Due to the higher health risks associated with migration and an increasing number of first-generation migrants reaching retirement age, there is a need to provide measures in health promotion, prevention and long-term care that are tailored to this target group.