The study analyzes and evaluates various supply chain monitoring tools available in the market, focusing on their compliance with the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) and NIS-2-RL. It identifies and assesses key criteria, including functionality, user-friendliness, transparency, experience, and customer support, to determine the most suitable tool for a regional multi-utility company.
After a thorough market analysis, the study narrows down the options to three main tools: Prewave, Integrity Next, and Osapiens. A weighted scoring model is employed to evaluate these tools based on specific criteria. The results show that while the tools are closely ranked, Prewave slightly outperforms the others in terms of overall suitability for the company’s needs.
The findings highlight the importance of considering various factors beyond mere compliance, such as ease of use, transparency, and customer support, when selecting a supply chain monitoring tool. The study also discusses future technological developments and the increasing emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility, underscoring the need for companies to stay adaptable and proactive in their approach.