Summary task: Stay at home mother
Geöffnet: Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2024, 00:00
Fällig: Sonntag, 1. September 2024, 12:00
A summary is a shortened version of a longer text in your own words, without personal opinions or an interpretation. It contains the most important information of the original text a reader or listener should know to get an idea of what the text is about.
Before writing the summary:
- Read the text carefully and underline important key words and key phrases.
- Take notes of the important facts and ideas.
- Leave out information that is not essential (e.g. examples, detailed descriptions, statistics, ect.)
While writing the summary:
- Start with a sentence stating the main idea of the text
- Write the summary using your notes as guidance
- Use your own words as far as possible and do not copy sentences from the text
- Do not add your own opinion or interpretation
- Do not quote from the text as far as possible
- If necessary, change direct speech into reported speech
After writing the summary:
- Re-read your summary and check if you have followed the rules above
- Have you covered all essential points?
- Is your summary clear enough for somebody who doesn't know the original text?
- Have you checked your text for mistakes?
Open the text to be summarized via the link, and enter your summary here.
- 24. November 2022, 11:41